Friday, September 25, 2009

The Magnetic Fields

I'm doing an independent study with Chris Buzelli this semester, and for the first project I decided to give band posters another try. I chose The Magnetic Fields since they are all about ironic, bitter, humorous, and creepy love. Also, they use a lot of synths and i think ukuleles are cool.
Anyway, I did a bat shooting love waves at an owl, which I think is pretty ironic. Plus I've always really wanted to use an owl for something, so double win for me.

Here's the inked transparency so far, I'm going to print it this weekend and see how it goes.

The Bun Merger

Here is the comic that I did for my screen printing final. It's the longest comic I've made (6 pages)!!! I only made 4 editions for this one and gave out three copies. So feel special if you have one bitches. There are two pages on each big page.